Friday 16 December 2011

What Is Link Building?

               What Is Link Building?

Link Building is the process of creating inbound links to ones own website. This can be done by reciprocal links, being listed in e-zines, newsletters, directories, search engines, etc. Link building is one of the best ways to make your site popular. There are few types of linking one of which is reciprocal links.
Reciprocal links or link exchanges is the process where two webmasters agree to show the other's link on their website. After link building when the number of sites which link to a particular site is known as link popularity which helps in the search engine ranking of a website.


There are many advantages of link building.
1. Link building helps in getting quality traffic from relevant sites which increases sales.
2. Also when there will be high quality incoming links the site will also be seen as a valuable resource.
3. Link building helps in creating awarness, visibility and credibility of your site.
4. The site also obtains wider search engine exposure.
5. It also helps the website get indexed by search engines.
Today links have become important for all websites and they are worth the money. In fact, there are several companies dedicated to selling links (as opposed to companies that you can pay to do link building for you).


How Do Directories Help?
Web directories are collections of web pages with similar subjects and similar content. These directories help in many ways as they are extremely popular with Internet users as they are considered a source of valuable information. Listings in directories improve your chances of page ranking as well. If your site is listed in a directory, the search engines are more likely to find it and add it in their listings for free. Also submitting a site on directories helps in getting one way links which are that we have not linked the other person’s site but they have linked us.
There are three kinds of traffic that you can get from the directories where you are listed. The first is click-through traffic, meaning that anyone who ends up on the directory page will be able to see your web site and information, and there is a good chance that they will visit.
The second is indexing your site. Directories will begin to index the pages of your web site once they find the links to it. After that they can come back again and again, bringing you traffic as they do.
The last way that the directories will increase your traffic is increasing your ranking on the search engines themselves as they find the volume of links and references to your web site.
Overall link building is one of the most important steps in building a site, Getting quality links improves your PR and espouser to search engines. Also the possibility of gaining traffic to your site. Many people say link building is dieing out but the facts are simple, You build a site and build links and traffic will come. Also link building also increase your PageRank thus getting more traffic via Google.

                  Link Building Basics

Building links is an art. It's almost certainly the most challenging part of an SEO's job, and, for many sites, the one most critical to achieving long term success. Many companies can afford to hire SEOs to help make their websites search friendly and search optimized, but a robust backlink profile is an extremely high barrier to competition.
 1Editorial Accumulation
Links that are given naturally by sites and pages that want to reference your content or company. These links require no specific action from the SEO, other than the creation of citation-worthy material and the ability to create awareness about it to relevant communities.

2Manual Suggestion & Approval
Emailing bloggers with links, submitting sites to directories, or paying for listings of any kind fit into this group. The SEO must create a value proposition with the link target and complete that transaction manually (whether it be filling out forms for submissions to a website award program or convincing a professor that your resource is worthy of inclusion on the public syllabus).

3Self-Created, Non-Editorial
Hundreds of thousands of websites offer any visitor the opportunity to create links through guestbook signings, forum signatures, blog comments, or user profiles. These links are typically quite low in value, but can, in aggregate, have a significant impact. However, automatic methods of generating these links is certainly spamming, and even the manual creation of such links is frowned upon by many site owners and search engines. Exceptions abound, and for those sites that offer these options and don't use the rel="nofollow" attribute on outbound links, there can be opportunity.

As with any marketing activity, the first process undertaken in a link building campaign must be the creation of goals and strategies. Sadly, link building is one of the most difficult activities to measure, particularly from a search engine optimization perspective. Although the engines internally weigh each link with precise, mathematical metrics, it's impossible for those outside of the engineering teams at these companies to extract this data. Thus, as SEOs, we rely on a number of signals to help build a rating scale of link value. Along with the less-measurable data from the link signals mentioned above, these metrics include the following:

Page Ranking for Relevant Search Terms
One of the best ways to determine how well a search engine values a given page is to search for some of the keywords and phrases that page targets (particularly those in the title tag and headline). Pages that rank well for relevant queries tend to be more valuable than those that don't.

Google PageRank
Despite much maligning over the years for accuracy and freshness problems (Google only updates their toolbar PageRank data every 3-5 months and sometimes manipulates the values intentionally to discourage spam and over-analysis), there is still value to looking at the number reported. This is discussed more in this blog post on PageRank Correlation. Pages with high PageRank do tend to pass on more link value than those with little or none. Be careful with those that have PageRank "unranked" ( a gray bar) as these may be highly valuable pages that simply haven't received visible PageRank since the last update.

SEOmoz mozRank
mozRank (mR) shows how popular a given web page is on the web. Pages with high mozRank (popular) scores tend to rank better. The more links to a given page, the more popular it becomes. Links from important pages (like or increase a page's popularity, and subsequently its mozRank, more than unpopular websites.

A web page's mozRank can be improved by getting lots of links from semi-popular pages or a few links from very popular pages.

SEOmoz Domain Authority
Domain authority (or DA) is a query independent measure of how likely a domain is to rank for any given query. It is calculated by analyzing the Internet's domain graph and comparing it to tens of thousands of queries in Google.


Ruchika Mandore  [ MCA ] 
Software Engineer
AeroSoft Corp

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1 comment:

  1. Make My Trip It IS true i like it you seo information,Link Building is three type one way ,two way,three way.
